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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is unpublished and has not been submitted to any other journal (otherwise an explanation is attached in "Comments for the editor").
  • In the text, a date that date & discourse has called for analysis is considered (essay) or reference is made to such analyses (replica, re-replica).
  • The text is available as a Microsoft Word file or OpenOffice / LibreOffice file and complies with the format specifications of our journal.
  • All illustrations are inserted at a suitable place in the text. They are provided with references and copyright information.
  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographical guidelines for authors which can be found in the section "About us".
  • By submitting your article you agree to the author agreements.
  • A short summary of the article (up to 100 words) plus about six keywords is provided for the input mask.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

The publishers do not intend to limit the number of characters. For the layout of the manuscripts submitted, please use the format template and the formatting instructions. These also inform about citation and the layout of the bibliography.

Current information on the submission procedure

Currently, an error message appears when submitting a contribution. We are working on a removal of the error message, but please note the contribution will still be forwarded to the editors, so the error message should not be interpreted as a failure of the submission process.

Note on graphic formats

Image files and graphics must always be included separately with the digital manuscripts (preferably as vector graphics in .EPS, .PDF etc., or, if not otherwise available, as raster graphics e.g. as .JPG or .TIF in sufficient resolution). Please send original files or PDF exports of the graphics to the editorial department during the production process. Authors are responsible for ascertainment of image rights.

Peer Review

In order to do justice to the experimental character of the essays and the openness of the discourse, the editors have largely dispensed with a classic review of the contributions. The criticism and the development of the ideas expressed in the essays are primarily achieved through lively and multi-perspective participation in the discourse in the formats of replica and re-replica. The editors will fundamentally review the submitted contributions, which we understand as an open 'peer preview' process. The review of the content of the contribution is intended to give the authors advice on how to optimise the contribution from the editors’ point of view, but is not a binding requirement for revision. Feedback to the authors is based on the following criteria:

  1. The essay refers to a date provided by the journal date & discourse.
  2. The essay argues logically consistently on the basis of a proven question.
  3. The essay reveals its methodological and theoretical standpoint.
  4. The essay follows the rules of good scientific practice.


Die Zeitschrift datum & diskurs versteht sich als diskursiver Raum und als Forum für die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung im Feld der empirischen Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung. Regelmäßig stellen die Herausgeber*innen ein Datum (z.B. ein ethnographisches Protokoll, ein Transkript, eine Tagebuchaufzeichnung, ein Bild, einen Film) zur Verfügung und verbinden damit die Einladung, gegenstands- bzw. grundlagentheoretische, methodologische oder methodische Perspektiven auf das Datum einzunehmen.

Für datum & diskurs haben wir als Beitragsform das Format des „Essays“ gewählt. Essays können als Einlassungen auf ein Datum oder als Reaktionen bzw. (Re-)Repliken auf andere Essays verfasst werden. Im Vergleich zu anderen Formaten wissenschaftlichen Schreibens kommt einem Essay deutlicher der Charakter des Versuchs zu; durch solche Beiträge soll die Zeitschrift der Deutungsoffenheit des diskursstiftenden Datums entsprechen. In den Essays muss das Datum nicht vollständig bearbeitet werden; „steinbruchartige“ Auseinandersetzungen mit bestimmten Aspekten des zumeist umfangreichen Datums sind zulässig. Im Rahmen der eigenen Bearbeitung ist es zudem möglich, ergänzend auf komparative oder kontrastierende Daten zurückzugreifen und so als Kontexte für den weiteren Diskurs zur Verfügung zu stellen.

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All data stored about registered or non-registered users of this website are used solely for the purpose of operating scientific journals. The stored data includes information that enables the communication necessary for the publication process, then information about the authorship of publications and the participation of persons in the publication process, furthermore aggregated information about reader behaviour, but also data about the geographical structure of the readership and social aspects of scientific communication.

The editors and publishers of this journal use such data as a support for the publication activity and for the optimisation of the journal. Data suitable for facilitating the technical development of the platform may be submitted to the developer of the platform, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), in anonymised and aggregated form, except for special cases such as item-level metrics. The data will not be sold or transferred to third parties by this journal or PKP, nor will it be used for any purpose other than that stated here. Authors of articles in this journal may be responsible for the handling of personal data in the context of their research.

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