Call for diskurs & Hinweise zum datum #5v
Call #5v about archiving, making accessible and re-using qualitative research data
The publishing source “datum&diskurs” (data&discourse) has the motto “Empirical studies – Theory – Dis- course” and takes empirical reality as a starting point for theory-building in educational science. Col- leagues from school and instructional research are invited to a qualitative empirical investigation of differ- ent types of research data, as in discourses for data in calls #1-4. The discourse and their diverse and sometimes competing perspectives on the empirical construction of reality mean that datum&diskurs of- fers a hybrid forum on research practical, multi-method, methodological and analytical perspective on the production, availability and re-usage of research data.
The Varia-Call #5v does not set out a concrete research date for unfolding a discourse. Rather, the call aims at kicking off a general discussion. datum&diskurs focuses on questions that emerge from archiving, making available and re-using (secondary usage) of qualitative research data. datum&diskurs thus links up to a discussion that is gaining increasing momentum in science political discourse. External funding bodies such as the German Research Association (DFG), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the EU programme horizon 20201 have demanded that research data should be made available for research purposes. The European Universities Association (EUA)2, the German Society for Education Sci- ence (DGfE) 3, the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF) and the Society for Subject Didactics (GFD) have issued position statements in favour of a secondary usage of research data, details notwith- standing. Expectations have been formulated spanning aspects of subject-specific assurance of quality and plausibility and an improved reconstruction of scientific knowledge production – also in view of a le- gitimation crisis of sciences and post-facticity –, to open access to data that have emerged from public funding and open science.
By publishing this Varia Call, datum&diskurs taps into open questions and controversies concerning the archiving, making available and reusing qualitative research data, without setting out a concrete research date for scientific discourse (e.g. Richter/ Mojescik 2021; Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 2021; DGfE 2020; DGfE et al. 2020; Unger 2018; Bambey et al. 2018b; Bishop / Kuula-Luumi 2017; Hammersley 2010, Medjedović/ Witzel 2005).
Research desiderata can in particular be identified in the area of empirical research of data practices (Schindler 2018; Medjedović 2007). Moreover, so far, an empirical research perspective on archiving re- search data has largely neglected ethical, methodological and infrastructural aspects (Beckmann et al. 2020; Kreitz 2021; Houben/ Eckert 2022). From an overarching perspective, the methodological, episte- mological and ethical problems and possible actions regarding an archiving, making available and re-using of research data in the area of educational science can thus be queried. For instance, in many cases re- search data production during a research process often happens without first clarifying if these data will be archived, and on what conditions. Data production underlies the demands of a specific research pro- ject, without taking archiving and possible re-usage into account. Hence, secondary researchers are facing the challenge of assessing the possible use of data for their own research project. In this regard, they rely on central contextual information which is only available to a limited extent. Hence, it is worth consider- ing whether and how a possible secondary usage should be considered at the production stage of re- search data – and what the consequences are for creating research data in a primary research process.
The Varia-Call #5v links up to existing discourse and known research desiderata – qualitative educational researchers are invited to join in a scholarly discourse that can relate to empirical material – but this is not conditional. Contributions should relate to the following three thematic areas:
1. Practice and methods in making available, archiving and using secondary data.
What modes of operation have already been tried in making available, archiving and reusing sec- ondary data? What are the specific challenges? How were data corpora produced and metadata assigned? How have secondary data researchers worked with these data and what method-spe- cific and methodological problems have emerged in the process? Concretely, we can moreover ask: how should data be designed in order to be used in an adequate and appropriate way? What scientific standards (e.g. transcription standards, quality of ethnographic protocols, etc.) and con- text information (e.g. project for which data are assessed, research questions, contextualizing ob- servations, data assessment process, about the interviewee, field-specific knowledge, etc.) are helpful in working with such data in a qualitative way? How do data change when they are pro- cessed for the purpose of archiving and reusing? – for example, anonymising and decontextual- ization)? What is thus limited and enabled?
2. Potentials of reusage and criteria for archiving research data.
Processing and making available data only seems to make sense if a potential for their reusage is envisaged (Hirschauer 2014). But how can such a potential be forecast? What might the disci- pline-related criteria for archiving of qualitative research data look like? What intentional and non-intentional consequences might result from such a determination for the production of data for reusage. And: is it possible to gain “new insights” from “old data”?
3 Ethical and methodological issues concerning the reusage of data.
Which new ethical implications are tied to research data sharing – and what needs to be ob- served particularly regarding the protection of rights of highly vulnerable individuals, like children and young people (Kämper 2016)? It would moreover be necessary to discuss the emergence of ethical and methodological questions when qualitative data are inspected and analysed by other than the originally assessing researchers. What prerequisites should data meet regarding their particular substance so that they can be reused with alternative method approaches to the ones used in primary research? What follows if secondary access means a shift of the subject at hand, for example if primary researchers become an object of interest themselves, or if research ques- tions arise for the research material that were originally not anticipated by the researchers and their subjects?
Bambey, Doris; Corti, Louise; Diepenbroek, Michael; Dunkel, Wolfgang; Hanekop, Heidemarie; Hollstein, Betina et al. (Hrsg.) (2018): Archivierung und Zugang zu Qualitativen Daten. In: RatSWD Working Paper 267/2018. Berlin: Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten, S. 1-13.
Bambey, Doris; Meyermann, Alexia; Porzelt, Maike; Rittberger, Marc (2018b): Bereitstellung und Nachnutzung qualitativer Daten in der Bildungsforschung. Das Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ) Bildung am DIPF. In: Doris Bambey, Louise Corti, Michael Diepenbroek, Wolfgang Dunkel, Heidemarie Hanekop, Betina Hollstein et al. (Hrsg.) (2018): Archivierung und Zugang zu Qualitativen Daten. In: RatSWD Working Paper 267/2018. Berlin: Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten, S. 59–68.
Beckmann, Sabine; Ehnis, Patrick; Kühn, Thomas; Mohr, Marina; Voigt, Katrin (2020): Selbst im Alltag. Qualitative Sekundäranalysen zu Identitätskonstruktionen im Wechselverhältnis von Normierung und Selbstentwurf. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden; Imprint: Springer VS.
Bishop, Libby, Kuula-Luumi, Arja (2017) Revisiting qualitative data reuse: A decade on. In: Sage Open, S. 1-15.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) (Hrsg.) (2020): Neue Formen der Archivierung, Bereit- stellung und Nachnutzung von Forschungsdaten. Erziehungswissenschaft 31 (61). Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE); Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF); Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik e.V. (GFD) (Hg.) (2020): Gemeinsame Stellungnahme der DGfE, GEBF und GFD zur Archivierung, Bereitstellung und Nachnutzung von Forschungsdaten in den Erziehungs- und Bildungswis- senschaften und Fachdidaktiken. Empfehlungen zur Archivierung, Bereitstellung und Nachnutzung von For- schungsdaten im Kontext erziehungs- und bildungswissenschaftlicher sowie fachdidaktischer Forschung. Quelle abgerufen am 1. März 2022: nahme_zum_fdm_dgfe-gebf-gfd.pdf
Hammersley, Martyn (2010): Can We Re-Use Qualitative Data via Secondary Analysis? Notes on Some Termino-
logical and Substantive Issues.
In: Sociological Research Online 15, 1, S. 47–53.
Hartong, Sigrid; Machold, Claudia; Stošić, Patricia (2020): Zur (unterschätzten) Eigendynamik von Forschungsda-
teninfrastrukturen. Ein Kommentar zu den "Empfehlungen zur Archivierung, Bereitstellung und Nachnutzung von Forschungsdaten im Kontext erziehungs- und bildungswissenschaftlicher sowie fachdidaktischer For- schung". In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (2020): Erziehungswissenschaft. Mitteilungs- blatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Verlag Barbara Bud- rich.
Hirschauer, Stefan (2014): Sinn im Archiv? Zum Verhältnis von Nutzen, Kosten und Risiken der Datenarchivierung. In: Soziologie 43(3), S. 300–312.
Houben, Malin; Eckert, Judith (2022): Die Arbeit mit archivierten Interviewdaten in einem methodologischen Se- kundärforschungsprojekt: Reflexionen zur Archivierung qualitativer Forschungsdaten. In: FQS 23 (1).
Huber, Elisabeth; Imeri, Sabine (2021): Informed consent in ethnographic research. A common practice facing new challenges. Bremen: University of Bremen Research Data Center (RDC) Qualiservice (Qualiservice work- ing papers, QS-WP-4-2021).
Kämper, Eckard (2016): Risiken sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung? Forschungsethik, Datenschutz und Schutz von Persönlichkeitsrechten in den Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften. In: Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschafts- fragen (RatSWD Working Paper Series, 225). Berlin: Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten, S. 1-8.
Kreitz, R. (2021). Zur Sekundäranalyse narrativer Interviews – Erfahrungen, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderun- gen. In: Caroline Richter, Katharina Mojescik (Hrsg.): Die Praxis der Aufbereitung und sekundäranalytischen Nutzung von qualitativen Daten in der Sozialwissenschaft und ihren Nachbardisziplinen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 251-271.
Medjedovic, Irena (2014): Qualitative Daten für die Sekundäranalyse. In N. Bauer & J. Blasius: Handbuch Metho- den der empirischen Sozialforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 223–232.
Medjedović, Irena (2007): Sekundäranalyse qualitativer Interviewdaten – Problemkreise und offene Fragen einer neuen Forschungsstrategie. In: Journal für Psychologie 15(3). Online verfügbar unter https://journal-fuer-psy-
Medjedović, Irena; Witzel, Andreas (2005): Secondary Analysis of Interviews: Using Codes and Theoretical Con- cepts From the Primary Study. Sekundäranalyse qualitativer Interviews. Verwendung von Kodierungen der Primärstudie am Beispiel einer Untersuchung des Arbeitsprozesswissens junger Facharbeiter. In: FQS 6 (1). DOI: 10.17169/fqs-6.1.507.
Unger, Hella von (2018): Forschungsethik, digitale Archivierung und biographische Interviews. In: Helma Lutz, Martina Schiebel und Elisabeth Tuider (Hrsg.): Handbuch Biographieforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fach- medien Wiesbaden, S. 685–697.
Richter, Caroline/ Mojescik, Katharina (2021): Qualitative Sekundäranalysen. Daten der Sozialforschung aufbe- reiten und nachnutzen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Schindler, C. (2018). Informationspraxen in der Bildungsforschung: Ethnographische Informationsforschung über Forschungsumgebungen, Apparaturen und Forschungsdaten in Interaktion. Beiträge zur Theorie und Ge- schichte der Erziehungswissenschaft; 42. Julius Klinkhardt.
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (2021): Forschungsdaten in den Bildungswissenschaften – Archivierung und Nachnut- zung. Jg. 67, Nr. 6.
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